Tuesday, October 13, 2009

BP10_2009103_Web 2.0_Artsology

From playing a game to make tile balls from falling off cliffs in Mondrian's Boogie Woogie on Broadway, to creating kaleidoscopes in the stye of the geometric shapes in Kandinsky's abstract paintings, there are several games and activities in the Artsology site that appeal to young learners, as they engage with the modern art works of the famous artists featured at this site. Some of the most difficult things to do with Abstract art, it to find ways to make it relevant to our young students. This site has brought new promise to that aspect of my teaching.
As an urban art teacher, graffiti is somethong my students ar always interested in pursuing. On the Artsology website, at http://www.artsology.com, students can investigate the graaffiti of the chelse district in NYC. This was a springboard to one of the most relevant art inquiry lessons I have been able to teach. Both of urban and for rural teachers, there are many excellent resources at this site.

Artsology site retrieved October 17, 2009, from http://www.artsology.com/

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