Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wk 1 Response to Michael Melvin

Topic #2: Tech in your workplace: How has your workplace kept up with tech or not kept up with tech? What kinds of tech things have you bought to use in your classroom/presentation?Please give examples (and have a little fun with the idea…).

As a media technology teacher (CTE), I almost have all I need; DV Cameras, computers, projectors and audio equipment. We order new computers and the district forgot to have firewire cards and DVD burners installed, I had to order the firewire cards, but I have to wait until next school year to order DVD burners. I’m also planning to order external hard drives for my class, which will make it easier for my students to save their work and raw footage. However, we are looking to join the New Tech High School network. There will be a 1:1 student computer ratio. This provides every student the opportunity to use technology as a tool for research, collaboration and creativity.

Week-1-2 Tech In The Work Place

Monday, May 31, 2010

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Lynne Koles
Michael, What a joy it must be to have almost all that you need. But firewire cables and DVD burners are pretty significant things to be missing. From the things we have discussed, I would say to put your order in now for what you need next year! Those firewire cables are about 30 bucks apiece. Aren't they?
Donita was telling me her problems with storage filling up. She warned me that I should get the external hard drives for backup of student work from the start when I become the Digital Design Instructor at one of our New Tech High Schools, this summer. It seems to be a great program, with a proven track record and I bet you will love it, with all you already do. For me, it is really exciting to be able to continue to grow, by using what we have learned in this program, every day. I guess you already do that, teaching AV, but in PreK-8th grade Art, even with SmartBoards, Digital and Document Cameras, there is still so much basic skill instruction necessary at the elementary level, that CS4 has been out of the question, for now. My school tried to get it with our EETT grant. Although the grant was approved, the tech coordinator wouldn't let our school have CS4, saying it was "not geared to this level." At the High School level they expect me to use it exclusively.
Thursday, June 3, 2010 - 05:28 PM

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