Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wk 2_Response to Michael Melvin

Per Michael:
I have finally, put together my AR website. I’m happy with it and currently working on my AR Abstract. I wish the layout and time to get it together was given to us earlier in the program. The AR can seem overwhelming at times. The concept is great. It think it would be great for teachers to do an AR every other year. However, I decided to add to my AR for next year. I want to examine what I can add to in education and share with other teachers. I decided to focus on presenting. It’s my desire to be an advocate for educational change, to focus on how we teach, what we teach and connecting with the learner. My school is moving to PBL (Project Based Learning). I’m excited, because now my fellow teachers will understand how much of an improvement and benefit PBL is. We want our students to be successful, why not teach them to be. So, In my AR revamp I will incorporate interviews from teachers.

@Michael, I thoroughly agree with you that this AR website production layout would have been beneficial to be done earlier. I tend to be disorganized, and having this structure would have kept me focused far better than I have been.

Have you had to deal with much resistance to your planned project? Mine has been frustrating at every turn, from permissions all through the attempts to get sites unblocked, until the final crazy thing when the survey monkey site got blocked! Just wild! I hope the high school level will be more sane.

I also like the concept of doing AR every other year. I too, will continue my research, in the hope of gaining more insight to the students I will be teaching next year, as I move up to high school. Things fell apart in our district once they announced that everyone had to re-interview for our jobs in my building, and 19 others, 18 were closing and 566 were getting laid off. We have been in chaos since January! Getting settled will benefit everyone.

1 comment:

  1. @Lynne,

    Wow! We experienced the same thing our school had issues when the district announce early last year in August they were closing our school. Students began not to care. However, they changed their minds about closing. That's when our new principal decide to for us to join New Tech. I think if we do more research like AR we can reach out to students and develop ourselves as teachers.
